Beautiful Vintage Color Slides of West Berlin in Summer 1953


After the end of the war, Germany was on its way to rebuild. A divided microcosm of the Cold War by the 1950s, West Berlin, however, was able to emerge from the severe rubble and successfully transformed into a “showcase of the West” from the economic miracle.

These fantastic Kodachrome photographs of the city were taken by Irma Louise, a Southern Californian, during the summer of 1953. For more fascinating vintage photographs, visit Found Slides.





Apt Bldgs destroyed nr Potsdamerplatz


Kuefurstendam Strasses




Olympic Stadium swimming pool


Olympic Stadium swimming pool


Coronation Film Showing


East Berlin Gate


Kaiser Wilhelm Tower




Crowds at Wannsee


Crowds at Wannsee






Russian Memorial & Reichstag


Kuefurstendam Strasses


Street scene


Luetzow Platz


Movie theatre


Spree River


Potsdamerplatz at end of street


Olympic Stadium




Hotel and restaurant


Aerial view of Berlin